According to Section 29 Paragraph 1 of the Aviation Act and Section 22
Air Traffic Regulations and Section 2 Paragraph 1 Landing Area
Noise protection regulation is in place for implementation
of airfield traffic on the commercial airfield
Herzogenaurach made the following regulation:
- General
- The currently valid version of the visual flight chart published in the VFR aviation manual is binding for airport traffic.
- Before departure and on arrivals, a radio connection must be established with “Herzogenaurach Radio” at least 5 minutes before reaching the airport (exceptions are only permitted for approaches from the Nuremberg control zone).
- Listening must be maintained during airport traffic.
- A position report in the traffic pattern must be made at the latest before turning into the final approach.
- Excursions from the traffic pattern must only be carried out from a lateral departure at the earliest (see visual flight chart).
- Straight approaches and direct approaches are prohibited in both approach directions.
- School operations after sunset are not permitted.
- Flight operations with motor-powered aircraft:
- Motorized aircraft, motor gliders and helicopters fly the published traffic pattern at the altitude published in the aviation manual.
- Ultralight aircraft fly the published traffic pattern at the altitude published in the aviation manual.
- The traffic pattern for UL is exclusively used for traffic pattern flights for training purposes for slow UL (maneuvering speeds below 120 km/h) due to its design. Flights into or out of this traffic pattern are not permitted.
- Gliding operations
- The traffic pattern for gliders is to be flown north of the landing site at the altitude required for operations.
- The dropping point for the tow rope must be coordinated with the flight control.
- Skydiving operation
- Parachute jumps may only be carried out in accordance with visual flight rules (VFR) in visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
- Before jump operations begin, a responsible jump leader must be appointed to the flight management.
- The landing aircraft must announce the landing intention 5 minutes and 1 minute in advance on the “Herzogenaurach Radio” frequency and announce the completion of the landing process. Listening must be maintained at all times during the weaning process.
- The drop-off process may not be carried out if the flight control prohibits the drop-off process for reasons of safe traffic handling in accordance with Section 23 Paragraph 1 No. 2 LuftVO.
- Other flight operations and simultaneous dropping of parachutists are not permitted.
- Noise reduction regulations
- Overflights of the surrounding towns, especially the city of Herzogenaurach, should be avoided.
- When carrying out towing flights and parachute drops, the required altitude gain must be achieved away from densely populated areas.
- School and practice flights are prohibited on:
- Business days after 8:00 p.m. local time
- Saturdays after 7:00 p.m. local time
- Sundays and Corpus Christi all day
- public holidays with the exception of Corpus Christi
- local time, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. local time and after 7:00 p.m. local time.
- Flights that go beyond the area surrounding the airport and last at least 30 minutes are exempt from the restrictions in accordance with Section 5.3.
- These restrictions also apply to light aircraft and motor gliders that meet the increased noise insulation requirements.
- School operations with rotorcraft are not permitted. Excepted from this are takeoffs and landings of helicopters stationed at the Herzogenaurach airfield under the following conditions:
- School operations such as B. Autorotation exercises, hovering, etc. are not permitted in the area of the airfield or near the airport.
- Take-offs and landings must take place on the approved flight operations areas. Hovering flights to and from the shelter halls are prohibited.
Takeoffs may only take place as part of a flight that goes beyond the area surrounding the airport and lasts at least 30 minutes. A landing as part of school operations may therefore take place no earlier than 30 minutes after take-off.
- Furthermore, the regulations of the landing site noise protection regulations must be observed
- Hints
- Climbs to release height for parachutists and to release height for glider tows should take place outside the traffic pattern and not over inhabited areas.
- Further details for skydiving operations can be found in the DFS operating regulations and, if applicable. regulated in the usage regulations.
- The parachutists’ personal responsibility for compliance with aviation regulations and safety towards other participants in airport traffic remains unaffected.
- Violations of this airfield traffic regulation are punished as administrative offenses in accordance with Section 58 Paragraph 1 No. 10 LuftVG and Section 44 No. 19 LuftVO or are prosecuted as criminal offenses in accordance with Section 59 Aviation Act.
6. Entry into force
This regulation of airfield traffic comes into force when it is published in News for Aviation, Part 1. NfL 1-1369-18 is hereby repealed.
Nuremberg, November 15, 2023
Government of Middle Franconia
– Northern Bavaria Air Office –
Senior Government Director